Winter's Cull
Totem: Fenris

Pack Purpose
War pack (that probably will become specialized into battles in the Umbra).
Pack Members
* Lieseolette
* Alpha
* Ryker
Pack Allies and Family
* < Liese's son.>
* < Caleb's mate.>
<Crimson Ice>
* < Sponsor pack.>
Common Knowledge
* Created as a sister pack to Crimson ice, Winter's cull was ironically built formerly by ex members or aspirants for Nerigal’s pack. Composed mainly by strong and somehow troubled individuals; some bordering on loneliness, they joined forces and created their own pack. After having their strength tested and proved by a legitimate avatar of Fenris, the members of the new Winter’s Cull pack have a compromise to their former totem: to face and conquer all battles and challenges crossing their way.