Basic Pack Template
Totem: <List pack totem>
<List pack totem>: <Add some information about the totem>
Base Cost: <List the number of traits> Traits
Spirit Type: Totem of <List totem type> - <Add some information about this type of totem>
Pack Bans: <List the bans from the totem>
Base Benefits: <List the base benefits from the totem>
Additional Benefits:
- <List a purchased benefit>
- <Add more if there are more>
- <Keep going>
Pack Purpose: <Enter the purpose of the pack>
Pack Members
- <Name of pack member>
- <Position in the pack>
- <Deed name>
- <Some basic information>
- <Name of pack member>
- <Position in the pack>
- <Deed name>
- <Some basic information>
- <Name of pack member>
- <Position in the pack>
- <Deed name>
- <Some basic information>
- <Name of pack member>
- <Position in the pack>
- <Deed name>
- <Some basic information>
- <Name of pack member>
- <Position in the pack>
- <Deed name>
- <Some basic information>
Pack Allies and Family
- <Name of connected character>
- < List How is that character connected>
- <Name of a character>
- < List How is that character connected>
- <Name of a character>
- < List How is that character connected>
- <Name of a character>
- < List How is that character connected>
- <Name of a character>
- < List How is that character connected>
Common Knowledge
- <List some things commonly known about the pack>
- <Add some more>
- <Keep going>
- <List some rumors about the pack>
- <Add some more>
- <Keep going>
Typical Activities
- <What does your pack do everyday?>
- <Keep going>
- <Is there anything that is only certain days?>
[Write about the pack history]
- <List some quotes>
- <Add more>
- <Keep going>
IC Contact Info
- <How can people reach your pack?>
- <What are the common locations that your pack may be found at?>
- <List a Song that Fits the Pack> ~ <List the Artist> (<Enter Year or other info>)
- <List a Song that Fits the Pack> ~ <List the Artist> (<Enter Year or other info>)
- <List a Song that Fits the Pack> ~ <List the Artist> (<Enter Year or other info>)
- <List some links that relate to the pack>
- <List anything else that you want>